Wow! We've had a lot of new people lately, and I'm happy to see that they're registering at the website as well. I try to keep on top of new registeries, but I checked again this morning, and anyone that's joined in the past week, I've made sure that you have access to the site. As well as being bumped to "Authoring" status, meaning you can submit items to the site: writing, links, member info, ect. Once you submit something, I'll have to approve it before it gets moved to the site.
Please remember, when signing up for the site, to use a username or email address that is easily linkable to your LJ name/ID. This makes approving people to the site, so much faster if I don't have to dig to make sure you're a
creativefantasy member!
And for those of you new to the site, you can use the "Contact" link to send me questions should you have them.