Jun 11, 2004 22:01
You may say you have no regrets,
But what does that mean?
Not hating your decisions,
Liking who you become.
Because when you grow up
You leave everything behind:
Who you want to be,
And who you could become.
Grade school is full of free innocence,
And middle school is packed with change;
But high school is when you find yourself
And college when dreams come true.
Love tackles you into a new life,
With different feelings and experiences.
But there's a big difference
Between what you want for yourself,
And who you really are.
Because memories are all we have
And when we regret one thing,
Time may slip and we may miss ourselves.
So know no regrets-
And never wish something different,
Because just when you thought you hadn't changed,
A glimpse back will prove you wrong
And regrets will have consumed you.