DTB REVIEW CREW: Episodes 1 and 2

Nov 19, 2013 12:46

• Perhaps getting ahead of the game, but this is probably the most violent Hei has ever been, in the whole series. The fact that he’d kill Louis when in fact he spends the entire rest of the season trying desperately to avoid killing people is bizarre. Especially because Louis was not the least bit a threat. And it makes sense that they are trying to establish his hatred for Contractors as well as his prior history as a fearsome assassin but...
• Gate camouflage - why?
• Watched the series in English with subtitles:
- “That hurts me, Chiaki. I thought we were friends. Contractors have feelings too. We’re not human, but that doesn’t mean that we’re entirely without personality. We’re not dolls.”
- “Despite our appearances, we Contractors get hurt too, you know. Depending on our programming, we can even have personalities written in. Unlike dolls.”
Written in? We don't get much discussion as to how Contractors are formed, but since the suggestion is that the process is more of a mysterious phenomena, is "written in" just an odd word choice or are they suggesting there's some sort of process. I guess this could also be me getting ahead of myself :P

• Discrepancy
- “If you believe in that sort of thing.”
- “It said so in my horoscope.”
• I love the fact that when Chiaki asks Li if she can really trust him, he doesn’t have to answer. Trust is such a powerful thing, and at the end of it all he can still say, ‘I never told you to trust me… and in fact, I told you the very opposite.’
• Discrepancy!!
Li says, “Actually, it’s a bit more complicated than that.”
Chiaki: “It always is, isn’t it?” and “Boy, you turn around and the whole world goes to pot.” Lolwhut???
• The black Contractor on the French team - I’m not sure I understand what his power is supposed to be… help?
• Lancernopt Synchrotron Radiation
• Doesn’t Li kind of blow his cover with the whole ‘Contractors are terrible liars etc.’ speech? I mean, he’s not supposed to know anything about them and yet suddenly he has them figured…
• When Li tells Chiaki to forget, why does that startle her so much? It’s not the least bit profound. Was that a secret code? Then Chiaki runs in the opposite direction but still ends up at the same site. And how did she lose the police?
• And who shot Hei? Chiaki or Alain? It seemed like he moved in from the left to protect Chiaki from being shot but it doesn’t seem like they were trying to shoot her to begin with seeing as they basically ignore her after Hei hits the ground. And Chiaki has her gun pointed as he falls though she didn’t have it aimed before - she was just holding it.
• Discrepancy!!
-“He will. And when he does, you might want to keep in mind: Hei doesn’t wear that coat as a fashion statement. It’s bulletproof.”
-“A pity. Just by him putting it on, Hei’s jacket becomes bulletproof. Surprised?”
I’ve had a problem with this for a while. Haruko and I talked about this absolute ages ago, and while I couldn’t disagree with her as to the translation, the translation from Japanese doesn’t make sense to me even if that’s supposed to be the true rendering. The only thing to explain the fact that Hei’s coat BECOMES bulletproof at his putting it on would be his ability to alter matter on the quantum level, but he doesn’t know about that until the very end of the season. So if it’s true and he doesn’t consciously do it, it ought to disturb him that his coat has magic powers. CAN Contractors operate their powers unwittingly? (not to be confused with unintentionally - I mean without any knowledge of it whatsoever even as it's happening) And if it’s still true but he found it that way… why isn’t it just a bulletproof jacket? I do not understand what they’re trying to convey, which is why I (at least as far as fanfiction is concerned) ignore the idea that it’s only bulletproof when HE wears it. Most especially because no one else would be wearing it so we have no comparison.
• When I first watched this, I thought that Hei grabbed the Chiaki doll and used her as a shield from Jean’s attack (to teleport his heart into that wall), but now I’m convinced that she acted of her own accord as his hands don’t appear to be on her. Right??

darker than black

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