(Episode 3: Rearing Conventions)
This episode is one that I actually have already watched multiple times. Just because at the time it sort of reminded me of the subject of a research paper I just submitted. It kind of jogged my brain a bit in that regard.
Taking out stress on other people elevates their stress levels until they kill you. By dissecting you alive with drones. That will teach you not to bully others, am I right?
I think the thing I enjoy the most about this episode though is the action at the end. We don’t get a lot of action like that in this series, where it’s just battle mode. Between the music, and Yayoi and Shu rushing in with the Dominator at the last second, and OMG that guy’s face! This series really knows how to depict madness with facial expressions. There were times he looked practically reptilian, haha. And I can’t deny almost feeling sorry for the guy. I mean, he just lost it. Quite sad. It’s a violent but still accurate recreation of the emotions of people who are tormented by others for sport (or whatever reason, for that matter). And that punk of a director who actually encourages it - what a joke! This my friends is Corporate Cover Up 101.
Ginoza is kind of one of those ironic characters. He’s in a position that requires him to work closely with Enforcers but acts so repulsed by them like he’s always in danger of becoming one of them. Sometimes you just want to laugh because… what else are you going to do, Ginoza? His hostility is later explained of course, but it’s still kind of childish, you know? Throws a hissy fit and storms out. It also kind of makes it obvious how the story will end for him… On that note, I guess a lot of anime relationships are like that.
I thought Akane’s little observation of Kougami at the end - about how he claimed to want to be more than a hunting dog but devilishly enjoyed taking down the drones - was interesting. It was kind of difficult to be surprised though. And it might be my mistake in memory (and I’ll find out soon enough) but I don’t think they ever explain or explore the idea that he enjoys his work a little too much. In all fairness though it seems to me like everyone gets a little adrenaline rush from their work. I mean, Kagari was rather pleased with the outcome, smiling and praising the Dominator’s handiwork.
In the end it feels like a clever - and legitimate - observation that they inserted at the end to sound… ah, deep and thought-provoking but otherwise didn’t do anything with. Which is kind of irritating to me. Even revenge stricken, Kougami isn’t really the type to love killing people, although he claims to find it natural according to what Sibyl instructs.
What do you guys think?
So I've actually already blogged episodes 1-5, but I didn't want to overwhelm you guys with posts. Thus far my favorite to discuss is episode 5. I can't wait to get there. But 3 is good enough for now, I think.