Welcome + Rules

Jun 04, 2029 01:07

Welcome! I, tsubasa_hime, use this journal for posting her writing and graphics. It's not required for you to friend this journal, but I would recommend it, should you enjoy the works held here and wish to check up on it (not so) regularly.


Note: These may be altered in the future. I'll make notices on posts should that happen.

1. First of all, CREDIT. If you use any of my graphics or rec any of my stories, crappy as they may be, you'd better damn well give credit where it's due. My stuff may be crap, but I'll take full responsiblility for its crappiness.

2. Comment if you want to use or rec anything. I'd like to know what's popular.

3. I will take requests, but I can't guarante I'll be able to complete them or if they'll be any good.

4. DON'T comment on posts just to gripe about my technique for fic or graphics. I have a separate post for that.

5. Flames and rude comments will not be tolerated. Ever.

6. Please don't ask me to make tutorials. Majority of my techniques came from altering other people's tutorials, and those that are mine I don't remember well enough to make a tutorial for them.

Thank you!


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