Bottoms Up to Ya, Buddy, ‘Cuz Somebody Had to Take the Blame

Sep 02, 2009 20:44

Hey-ho! My birthday is on Monday, so I thought I'd have a little shindig sometime this weekend for all good folks as can attend. I think someone said Sunday is better for them, although I can't recall why, so if Sunday is bad for a lot of folks we can just do it Saturday. I'm thinking picnic/barbecue at a park, maybe at Micke Grove (in Lodi) so we can go to the zoo. What does everyone think? I know it's kind of last-minute but I just didn't think about it too much prior to this. I know the San Joaquin Valley is kind of a far drive for some of y'all, but that's where I'm gonna be this weekend so, y'know. If you need a ride, just whine and I'll try to hook you up. (No promises!)

So! If that all sounds good, lemme know so I'll sort of know who to expect and I'll say something about an actual concrete date and time in the next couple days...just bring your bad self and any food that you may want to cook, I'll provide the essential meaty-type stuff and some veggies for grilling, and drinks and all that. Just, you know, bring spam if you can't live without grilled spam at your barbecues or whatever. Or, like, booze I guess, although I'd appreciate it if nobody gets too hammered before we go to see the lorikeets. I'll bring my Frisbee and foam bat. Even if it's just me and like three other people you know we'll have a blast, so come on!

Other than that, I made some frigging ("frigging" gets past spellcheck but "lorikeet" gets a miss?) delicious coconut seafood curry courtesy of Thursday Night Smackdown, my new favorite food blog. (I feel bad for turning on Bread & Honey, but it just hasn't been the same since Summer left.) I forgot to put potatoes in this time, which is kind of a bummer 'cuz for me it just ain't curry without potatoes, and also I bought like a ten-pound bag of little red taters at Costco last weekend so damn should I be going crazy with potato dishes. Oh well. It's still a yummy curry, and would probably be fine with some chicken or tofu or whatever if you don't rock the shellfish so much.

Uhh, blah blah blah...I actually did useful stuff at the publishing/distribution place today (hereafter referred to as "work"), unlike on Monday when Dan was too busy to tell me what to do so I was recruited by Marketing (aka Maya) to call people in Miami about a book tour. I survived, but not without suffering a twenty-minute hold with some honkey-tonk-ass wait music and people who work in a bookstore but don't know what an "author event" is. There was one guy at a Borders who had an astonishingly sexy voice; I wanted to be like, "oh no, it's okay that William won't be in until tomorrow, tell me more about your underwear," except I didn't say that because I'm only sleazy inside my head where I'm safe from the threat of either rejection or acceptance. Anyway, it's amazing how much editing I'm having to do to all the title spreadsheets due to bizarrely erroneous information throughout the databases that nobody's caught before this, like a book listed as being 9" thick. Um, what? I mean, I've always considered myself pretty detail-oriented for this kind of thing, but shouldn't someone have picked up on that before I got to it? Oh well, guess this is where I prove my usefulness: in not being grossly incompetent. Hooray!

This was meant to be a post about just the birthday thing, but when you spend the week alone save the company of octogenarians...well. (Did I mention I now have a couple-times-a-month gig with Dale's ex-wife Carol? I am officially the elderly's bitch.) I can't complain, though, they're cool octogenarians, especially Francine, who went out and saw Inglourious Basterds recently and told me it got her all fired up. I want to be like her when I grow up.

Also, there are fucking a billion flies around the house and I have no idea where they came from or what they're living on. The trash can has a lid and I don't leave food where they can get it, so how is this possible? Unless they're resorting to fly cannibalism. I just wanted to warn y'all as are moving back in in the next couple weeks. I may be a bit messy on my own, but I'm not leaving puddles of melted ice cream all over the place. Promise.

food, birthday, , ugh, work

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