And in My Hotel Room, I'm Wondering if You Read That Story Too?

Jan 13, 2009 20:38

Man, why am I so hungry? My stomach's all, "Feed me, Seymour!" and I'm all, "I just gave you two tamales and a hard-boiled egg, noisy!" Maybe some tea will help satiate the beast. I guess I better fortify myself, anyway, since I'm going to the blood drive over at Stevenson tomorrow to have them crack my veins open and harvest the red gold (California T?) within. I made an appointment online and everything, hoping that maybe since I'm free of ringworm this time they'll actually accept my juicy, juicy platelets. Then, score, free t-shirt with an added bonus of dizziness and nausea! Who could ask for more?

I accidentally set off the smoke detector making Dale breakfast this morning...four times. The pan overheated while I was distracted making coffee and then apparently I couldn't cool it down quickly enough for the alarm's liking until I actually opened the door and physically took the pan outside. Nobody seemed to care, anyway, which could be good or bad depending which side of the smoke-detector fence you're on, I guess. Otherwise things have been mostly going off without any real hitches over there. Kischka offered me some more mornings since Trevor's leaving, but Hiero makes that an impossibility during the week and I really, really don't want to sacrifice my weekends. I'm making decent pay as is, anyway, so it's not like I'm in need of more hours. (Not that I would object to them if I could, I certainly enjoy hanging out with Dale and shooting the breeze.)

The week so far (yeah, Tuesday, I know) has been busy but (barely) manageable. Lots of homework and reading, but so long as I don't dick around and, say, write pointless journal entries, I have been managing to get it all done. Tchah. I have been enraged to find, so far, that Tuesday and Thursday mornings seem to be Free Parking For Dunderheads at the West Remote lot--which means that even though I arrive to campus forty-five minutes before class starts, I have still been late to Russian Modernism every time because I have to circle around and go to East Remote to park and then catch a bus alllll the way back across campus. It's frustrating when the classroom is literally a ten-minute walk from West Remote, but what can you do, other than snap one day and start clobberin' folks? Next year I'm signing up earlier and getting a motherflipping A pass, swear on my life.

Professor Selden is showing himself to be a man with an odd sense of humor that never came through during Lit 1. To wit: if I have done the translation correctly for the Hiero homework, the first phrase reads nb pH.wj n tA.wj, or "Lord Anus of the Two Lands (Egypt)." Very curious indeed.

class, food, work, weird stuff

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