Time After Time Those Fanatical Minds Try to Rule All the World

Nov 11, 2008 12:45

Oog. Almost halfway through November already? Say it ain't so, boss, I'm only 2,414 words into my novel! I think it goes without saying that I'm not going to win, considering school has been rather demanding of late, but even so, I'm excited to work on it when I can, and I'm going to do my best to finish it even after NaNoWriMo is over. Jonathan, Fer, Lazaro, Annelise, and Elliot will live on! (Hurr, I made a funny about my own novel, considering it's about a boy whose blood brings dead animals back to life. And yes, I am being very careful to make it not-like Pushing Daisies.)

I tried doing an ADIML last Friday, but upon uploading the pictures I realized that my day was, in fact, incredibly boring, so I'm scrapping it. I think I'll try again on Thanksgiving day, at least then my family won't think it's weird that I'm taking pictures of everything on god's green earth. In any case, Friday's was mostly a thinly-veiled attempt to show off my new hairdye job before it fades too badly (it's been about two weeks now), so I'll just post a picture here for posterity.

This was obviously right after the dying, like a day or two. The orange has been fading the most quickly, but everything else is holding pretty well.

And, since I'm doing pictures already, here are two of my Halloween costume. I didn't have the time or resources to get anything complex together, so I decided to be dumb disguised as being clever and went as a lit match.

Spiked my hair up with a ton-ass of Aussie gel and wore khaki pants and shirt. Hurfdurfdurf. We ended up trekking out to Turlock to go to the CSUS anime club party, which was pretty entertaining. I made a kind of Mexican cinnamon cookie since it was a potluck, they turned out pretty well for a new recipe. My delusions of becoming a master cook like my mother have not yet been quashed!

Hooray for having the day off, anyway. I've got a good bit of homework to finish and then I have to drive Mike back to Stockton.

Homework To-Do:

* read The Road to Tamazunchale to the end for Wed
* write 3-page reflection on Latino Lit conference for Fri
* read ch 6 of O que faz o brazil, o Brazil? and do worksheet for Wed
* write 1-page summary of ch 5 of same for Wed
* review grammar for Port. exam 2 for Wed
* read Faust II Act I through "The Great Hall" for Thu

I am so excited to sign up for classes on the 17th...I'm looking to take International Cyberpunk with Godzich, Russian Modernism and the Avant-Garde with Nickell, and maybe that American lit class with Chude-Sokei? Not sure about my third slot, but we only get to sign up for two at first anyway. It will be quite a lit-heavy winter, but that's sort of how it goes when you're a lit major.

Okay, time to go avail myself of more of Mephistopheles' witty, witty repartee.

class, nanowrimo, halloween, pictures

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