You Have Tried Your Best to Please Everyone, But It Just Isn't Happening

Oct 08, 2008 21:50


What to talk about? Been so busy-bee lately. Um.

Item the first: I got a job. I go over to Live Oak two times a week to help this lady's father get around the house and make sure he eats and stuff. It will only end up being like five or six hours a week, but it's still something, and probably is about all I can handle right now anyway. Seems cool, I like the family. Reminds me of my dad's side of the tree.

Item the second: I have sort-of signed up for a position as volunteer editor for Matchbox Magazine, which is a UC-wide annual literary magazine. I can't go to next week's meeting 'cuz, ha, I have work, but the co-editor-in-chief said he'd give me a heads up about what goes down. Right now it's mostly solicitation of submissions and fundraising around the UCs, it only really starts getting exciting in the winter. It's certainly not paid or anything; seems fun and can't hurt to put it on my resume if I want to be, erm, an editor, though! (Any of my UC friends out there, have something you've written or know somebody who should submit something? Keep in touch!)

Item three: The mp3 Experiment in San Francisco last week was killer, f'shizzle. Sucks that not all of our group made it on time because parking is evil in the city, but it was still a ball. I shall post vid/pictures once the good folks over at ImprovEverywhere put it all up! Also the Casa de Fruta ren-faire was sweet, even if we got there basically with enough time to watch Moonie & Broon and do nothing else. They were totally worth it, as always. (Plus, Tia's mom made me a darling new outfit, I shall have to share pictures someday.)

Item D: Zoe is totally on the ball and let me know that the esteemed Jonathan Coulton, crazyman extraordinaire, is playing a show at the Great American Music Hall (brilliant venue, by the bye) in January. We're gonna rock that joint! And now I have an excuse to get my business together and make that IKEA shirt I was going to do once upon a time...

Item 5.3642: I think Ana Maria is trying to kill her Portuguese students with demais trabalho. No, for serious. I had a dream that was entirely in broken Portuguese last night and it kept me up after too much translation homework. Ack ugh brack. At least I can get by doing not-much in Latino Lit (thank god for lower-div classes!) and reading Faust is lots of fun anyway so I'm not complaining about that. But hoo boy, Ana, you got to rein it in a bit, you act like we have all the time in the world to do these things.

Item å: Token Swedish Friend sent me a Token Swedish Music Video, and I think it's good times. Have a gander:

image Click to view

It's a little squashed, but what do you want? They have more important things to do like craft furniture and make meatballs.

Ugh, my posts always get so loooong. Going to LA this weekend so I'm sure there will be more to babble about next week. Laters!

Item Edit: Also, this weekend-ish was I guess Mike's and my first anniversary? Go figure. We were going to have dinner and a movie, but some things came up so we ended up with Saturn and watching the Animatrix at my place, which is certainly good enough for me. (I don't put much stock into the whole time-marker-as-a-huge-importance thing, and anybody who uses "anniversary" in my presence in conjunction with a length of time measured in weeks or months is going to get a sound beating from my secret pretend esper powers.) Anyway, supposedly in a completely unrelated gesture he got me a subscription to a neat tea-of-the-month program from Hina's Tea in Sacramento, and the first two teas (White Pepper Mint and Sea Buckthorn) came with a French press. I canna wait to try it out! Oh Mike, he crazy.

music, zoe, jobs, mike, videos, matchbox, portuguese

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