We're All Familiar With the Tragedy of Being You

Jul 19, 2008 20:28

Went to the dentist on Monday--surprise surprise, I've got four cavities. That's what I get for not flossing every day, said the dental assistant. I sort of wanted to clock her. I brush twice a day, at least, and floss a couple times a week (every day since that damn cleaning); I do a lot better than a lot of people (ie my brother) and yet I get saddled with the cavities and they dance away free. Stupid soft enamel. The dentist gave me some prescription-strength fluoride to brush with every night after regular toothpaste. Maybe that will save my mom from paying out the nose for fillings in the future. Goll-ee. At least she found a cheaper D.D.S. in the area to go to for the current ones. I feel bad enough as it is, at least she'll be able to pay less than $800 for my less-than-constant vigilance.

Also got my eyes checked and prescription updated the other day and some new glasses ordered. Hopefully they'll come in before I head back to California, they're pretty nifty. All silver and black, semi-rimless. It's a change from the Rivers Cuomo ones, but I like 'em. Mom opted to have the lenses be Transitions, too, which I guess is a good thing. Sunglasses give me a headache anyway.

Mike's back in Stockton now, left on Tuesday at fuck-all-in-the-morning. It's kind of nice to just be me and Mom and occasionally Everett. I'm leaving in less than a week and a half myself, which is weird...doesn't feel like I've been here a month, not at all. Part of me is happy to be going home (it's strange to not be talking about this house as "home," even though it feels more like home in some ways than anyplace back in California right now) to be back with friends, part of me wishes I could just stay here in that at-home stasis. Going back is the only way to keep me from being a useless slug, though. I will miss my bike, though. I've been trying to ride every day, still. It's getting easier. Even if I don't look any different, it's nice to be able to get on and pedal for a while without being completely wiped every two minutes.

Teeth, eyes, biking...I guess you could call it a period of renovation.

biking, mike, mom, glasses, teeth, home

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