I Wish I Was Special, You're So Fucking Special

Apr 10, 2008 17:37


Weekend was interesting--my roommate Zoe had an appendicitis attack Saturday and Mike and I had to take her to the hospital (well, Mike did the driving, I just sat uselessly in the passenger seat and tried to make distracting conversation). Fortunately, she's a-OK now, and getting around a lot better and doing a lot less whining than I would be less than a week after emergency surgery. The kids' room wallpaper at the Dominican Catholic Hospital is quite entertaining. (And Mike did great at keeping cool and being amazingly helpful, especially since I know hospitals and blood aren't his favorite thing. He deserves a medal. So does Z for being a trooper and keeping pretty cheerful throughout the whole ordeal. You're a tough cookie, Z.)

Aside from that, not much exciting has been going on...between the drive up to Washington, Sak-Con, grocery shopping, textbooks ($300 this quarter!), and the Panic/Hush Sound concert at the Warfield tomorrow night, I've already blown through my allotment of money for the month, which kind of sucks. I mean, I still have the rest of the money Mom gave me for the quarter, but I really don't want to dig into it and have a repeat of last quarter, you know? Dunno how I'll manage to do any cosplay in a reasonable time for Fanime, though. Ah well. This is why I should've gotten a job instead of laying about.

I've been e-mailed by the school saying that if I don't declare my major by the end of the month they're going to put a hold on my enrollment for next fall. It's like, calm down, dudes. I got the college office to sign my declaration form this afternoon and went over to Humanities 1 to see if I could get the rest of it taken care of with the Lit department, but I got there three minutes after they closed. So gotta wait 'til Tuesday to take care of it. But at least I'm doing something. I feel kind of like I'm admitting defeat by declaring myself a Modern Lit major instead of trying for the Creative Writing major, but I've just gotta declare SOMETHING, and Modern is as good as anything if I never do get accepted by the CW people. I'll keep trying. It's not gonna get me down. Heck, even if my writing never gets me anywhere, I'll just keep doing it for myself. That's the whole point, right? Right?


zoe, money, appendicitis, creative writing, lit department, declaration of major, mike, concert

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