Sorting Hat thingy

Nov 30, 2011 17:41

So over at landofart, we're having a challenge where we're the sorting hat and place a character into a house. So here's my first attempt at this, hopefully I did it justice :D

Alice Cullen

“Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you’ve a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind.”

I thought long and hard about this. I thought she would be a Hufflepuff when I first started this but then stopped and went "no". Alice is smart, very smart. Because of her ability, she is able to have the best possible outcome to many situations. Even the quote for Ravenclaw fits her better than any. Alice was able to not only find her mate, but she found other's like her and became a family with them. She's also very witty, constantly keeping everyone on on her toes, you never know what you're gonna get from this 'frightening little monster'.

Comments are lovely

Join creative_calin

movie: eclipse, !general, character: alice cullen, movie: new moon, fandom: twilight, *picspam, actress: ashley greene, movie: twilight

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