Sep 13, 2006 14:27
This semester is going pretty well, but it's a very precarious balance I have going. I have to balance work with school, work with rent payments, having fun with work/school/rent, and on top of that most girls are nuts. I don't really even try anymore, I mean, I try a little, but mostly I just focus on gettings straight As, making money and advancing my career, and having fun.
I have 3 jobs now. I'm a Security Officer=S/O where I can almost the whole time (ROCK!), I'm being trained as a Substitute Teacher this month, and I work at Blockbuster. Blockbuster's WAY fun but I don't know if it's going to last.
I might be moving into a new apartment with 4 other guys. Windover is nice and it's ok living their, but $800 a month is too much. The new apartment will be $375 a month and is WAY nicer. It has a pool, a patio, is in a nicer neighborhood, and I think living with 4 other Christian guys will be cool.
I think everyone is insane. Sometimes I feel like no one really sees what is going on, like everyone is wearing blinders, like no one can see the big picture, but it's alright, I'm ok with that. Maybe one day I'll work for someone on the Tri-Lateral Commission or for one of the people who actually runs the things, because seriously, I think I could help a lot to streamline the day-to-day operations know...everything. ;-)
I met this girl named Chelsey and she's AMAZING! I don't know if she likes me though =/ I mean, she has TONS of the Bible memorized which is SUPER attractive, and she wants to be a physical therapist which makes lots of money and means she's probably good at giving back rubs. Which is SUPER attractive! lol Also, this girl Caitlyn WOW'd me also. She's so honest and upfront about things, and she has a boyfriend who lives a million miles away, and I don't know if it would work between us, but she has really nice eyes and is ADoooooooRABLE. Anyways, I don't know if God really Loves me that much.....