My Accomplishments & FailuresThis Week:

May 11, 2008 11:48

Accomplishments/Awesome things that happened to me:

- assembled bookcase and was able to fit 90% of my books inside.

- cleaned and rearranged my room.

- applied for a job at a summer camp.

- Interview on Monday, perhaps, for an assistant editor position at DC Comics.

- Played God of War II, and am now playing through again in a cod suit.

- saw Eddie Izzard last night with my sister, Debbie, and her brother. It was a good show, even if we were in the extreme nosebleed section. The tickets were free, so I'm grateful that I got to go :)

- Watched 'Casanova' (the Masterpiece Theatre version). David Tennant is made of all sorts of awesome and sex.

- bought the first volume of Warren Ellis' run of "The Authority", which I read years ago but could never find in a book or comic book store ever again. Jenny Sparks is made of win :)


- watched 'Teeth' in the early hours of the morning in Fort Wayne with my sister and some of her friends. Ahhhhhhhh, such a terrible movie >_<

- The music in 'Casanova' was sub par for Masterpiece Theatre.

- Unable to take the test for my permit because I forgot to bring my birth certificate.

- Could not make it through the first 20 minutes of the original Battlestar Galactica movie. IT WAS SO BAD AND MADE NO SENSE!!!

- My mom broke Godwin's Law in conversation >_< I should have told her that the moment she made a Hilter comparison, her argument fell apart, but I didn't have the heart to tell her. I would have had to explain the faux pas of using Hitler as a point of comparison.

failures, accomplishments

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