[Amanda is, as the title says, sitting on a cot in a cell in Level 0. What else is new? This time her left hand is bandaged, but aside from that she looks none the worse for wear. She actually managed to sneak a shower in before getting caught, and tricked Angelica into letting her change into clean clothes, so she's not even the tiniest bit bloody
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Why should I regret betraying a man who betrayed me?
That was your own delusion of grandeur.
Don't assume that you know the first thing about what John and I talked about or the things he shared with me. Don't assume you know shit.
You ruin everything. You're the cancer. You were what was eating away at him, what was killing him. He would never have let his guard down if he hadn't felt the need to baby and coddle you.
And what happened in the end? You still failed him. Instead of seeing success he saw failure. Instead of being rewarded, he was let down.
I. NEVER. Failed. Him. You forced me into compliance. You rigged my test. Whatever he thought he saw, he still forgave me. You should know...you claim to have watched it repeatedly.
That's the difference between us. He forgave my supposed failures, but he never trusted you.
He trained Gordon to take over should something happen to me.
[Hoffman is trying not to struggle. A dozen different expressions cross his face as he leans to the side and closes his eyes tight. For the love of god, he got rid of her once why can't she just go away please...]
You fucking bitch. You don't know a goddamn thing. I gave everything to...
[It's too bad she's not actually there, he's making horrible hacking and choking noises]
But that's right. He didn't trust me. He manipulated and used me so why shouldn't I glorify in his suffering?
I practically killed you in front of him.
That's right.
Thanks for reminding me. I killed his daughter in front of him. I sent him to his grave horrified by the death of his... child.
[He begins a rasping laugh]
He died in pain...because of me.
[he laughs harder]
How did it feel, dying like your sister?
I'm more determined to deliver justice to undeserving fucks like you. You remind me of Baxter. He was a junkie too. Always dragging my sister to meetings. Always pale, always shaky, always weak. His existence was pointless and it..he..
[There is a momentary pause. His hand is on his throat trying to stop the pain]
He was nothing. Violence for the sake of violence. Same as you. I ought to cut you in half too-so you can understand what happens to people like him.
John cured me, and fuck whatever you want to think about it.
...He was good at giving people that addiction. Oh if only you could see me smile Amanda.
We are more alike then you think.
[And then she EXPLODES. Good thing this is text.]
You're lying. YOU FUCKIN' LIE!
[He laughs again]
Admit it. after all the shit you've suffered. After all the things you've done, the idea of punishing people never gets old.
[Outside of text his hand is clenched into a fist] You keep saying it about me...jealous that I've decided to finally come to fucking terms with it?
[It's so sad he thinks he's won.]
fuck you!
Maybe I won't kill you this time. Maybe I'll just leave you alone. Then people will see you for the...the..
[there's a momentary pause]
Fuck you I was his best option.
He was right about you. You loved brutality too much to be in charge.
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