Jan 05, 2011 19:01
[Amanda, having been beaten to a pulp by Donny days ago, is finally conscious enough to deliver her message to the Barge. She's speaking from a bed in the infirmary. The infirmary, you ask? Isn't Clapet in there too, you ask right after that? Not to worry, Amanda isn't moving around any time soon and can't get close to him. She's got a badly broken nose that's been reset (but still looks like hell), and there's a huge purple bruise across the center of her face. Her right arm, straight out beside her, features a very bruised and somewhat swollen elbow, and there are bandages on her wrists--the latter, however, are a result of Martha treating her self-injury, not something from her fight with Donny. There are also bumps under her hospital gown. Those are chest tubes.
She's still crazy enough to look smug. Exhausted and in intense pain, but smug.]
People of the Barge. When I last spoke to you as Jigsaw...
[Her words devolve into a pathetic wheeze, and she places a ventilator mask over her mouth and nose to take a breath. The rest of her speech is punctuated with breaks like this, which won't be added into the text to make for less-awkward reading for you guys.]
Last time I spoke to you as Jigsaw, I told you that the games had only begun. Some of you didn't believe me. Rayne, in particular, told me I was gloating preemptively. As you all must know by now, I was telling the truth. You can do anything to me--confiscate my supplies, lock me up, beat me, even kill me--and you will never be able to take away my most powerful tools: my mind, and my hands.
[She points to each of these in turn, indicating one hand with the other. She uses her left hand to point, as her right arm is still pretty hurt.]
Clapet won his game, and as a result, also earned redemption for his crimes. He will not slaughter again. And though you may not believe me, Clapet, I am sorry for the rough treatment you suffered as we brought you into our custody. Blonsky was one of your victims, and I may have unfairly expected too much of him when instructing him not to kill or cause unnecessary harm. I apologize.
Sergeant Donowitz, I would like to congratulate you on your brutality against me. Truly, you are a fine warden. You'll have to imagine the round of applause I want to give you, however, as the arm you damaged still hurts too much for that. Do you know what "flail chest" is? It's when a segment of the ribcage breaks under pressure and detaches from the rest of the chest wall, and Dr. Jones tells me you must have caused it with your punch. A very lucky hit indeed.
Special thanks go to Edward Sexby, who probably saved me from death at the Sergeant's hands but dumped me in Level 0 rather than the Infirmary. If not for Sveta transporting me here quickly, I would likely have sustained and died of a punctured lung from the sharp edges of my broken ribs. Thank you, Sveta.
[She takes a few long breaths through the ventilator, closing her eyes. She's really suffering, but she almost welcomes it. John suffered far more than she ever has. Let her experience something close to his pain--her ongoing penance for betraying him is not yet enough, as far as she's concerned.]
Alright, enough of that bullshit.
The human body is a marvelous machine, and in time, mine will repair itself. When I'm well again, there will be more games. This is not a threat. It's a promise.
[Private to Rex]
I want to apologize for my...outburst when we last spoke. Planning for this game caused me undue stress, and you didn't deserve to have it taken out on you.