Oct 03, 2010 19:01
In seventeen days Phoebe and Cassandra are going to be one year old.
Heartstopping, right? One year. One whole year that's twelve months and fifty two weeks and three hundred and sixty five days - it wasn't a leap year this year was it? I don't even know and it doesn't even matter. It matters that they have made it through their first year and it had been the most intense year of my life and I am so, so very in love with my daughters and ONE YEAR I can't quite believe it. I have seventeen days to come to grips with this concept.
Then we're going to Blackpool! Noah you better be coming too!
We'll be in the middle of moving by then, or have just moved, because OH YEAH, GUYS, I BOUGHT A HOUSE LIKE A MOTHER FUCKING ADULT!
It is so gorgeous and two stories and old brick and has this lovely wild looking little garden lawn. Photos are on my camera which is dead from lack of batteries - so pictures later. Imagination now.
So next week is going to consist of epic furniture buying sprees, coordinating delivery companies, and then baby proofing everything. Also packing my own room. Also being a mother. And hopefully some sleeping if there's time. WHOO, MOVING STRESS! AWESOME!
But seriously wow, my life right now is something I never imagined.