love can be pretty lame

Apr 11, 2005 19:48

So due to current events I am over everything. Okay I'll lay out the story, at the beginning of 8th grade I dated this boy Cy until the end of 9th grade which is about 2years well we had our little click of friends going and I had my best friend kelly who he ended up dating after we broke up well they dated for about 2 years and a month ago they broke up . Ever since he started dating her I've seen his life become a wreck and she treated him really bad so after they broke up I told him to call me before he made any rash decisions( know that it was our first time speaking in two years) Well I give him this huge speech on how his life is going no where he needs to be single yadda yadda yadda, well according to him I " changed his life and motivated him" so he got a job, started writing agian is going back to school, he's doing good well anyway we have been slowly falling back in love for like the past month when he's finally like yeah your great ,i love you lets get back together blah blah blah and all of the sudden Kelly needs to come pick up her crap , well she pretty much already hated me and then they have been hanging out all week long even though he hates her and bam their back to together and here I am again left looking stupid and heart broken. lesson of the day : Love can be a bitch and Never repeat the past.

Well other than that I guess life is pretty okay.
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