work today was boring...but that's ok. i ate lunch with josh's mom...which was fun. i also started my next sermon...which i think i'm giving august 8. it's...interesting. i kinda think that after mike preached about the discrimination of women in the church...and since i am a girl...and since people always talk about the passages in I Corinthians and I Timothy where paul talks about women being quiet in worship and not having authority over would be kind of like ignoring the big purple elephant in the room if i didn't speak about it. but if i chicken out...i'm supposed to do women in the pulpit sunday at first umc in the at least i'll have one for then...and if i don't chicken out...then i'll just do it twice...sounds like a plan.'s kind of a touchy topic...and you never know what individuals think...i mean...some don't mind a woman preacher...some never know.
i swam after work today. there were tons of kids in the pool. this one kid was doing backflips in my lane and wouldn't move. i stopped...waited for him to move...but he just kept on i went around was nuts.
my brother made bbq ribs tonight...and invited my uncle and grandaddy to always. it wasn't that bad...i just don't like it when there's more testosterone than estrogen floating around my house. it just isn't right.
i got to talk to josh longer than usual tonight..yay! and i'll get to see him next weekend...saturday evening and lots on sunday...because he doesn't have to go back until monday...yay, again! i think maybe caitlin and i will try to leave early on the 30th when we go visit josh. that means i'll have to take the whole day off...but i don't care. but that way we can go to the capital before the senators leave for the democratic convention and wherever it is the republicans are going...i'm so politically aware....but speaking of politics..i did enjoy this article.... that's about it...more of the same tomorrow i suppose....