So much for having things settle down after classes ended. Classes drop and work picks up. Those horrid races aren't much for making my life easier, either.
My road trip to D.C. with Ahart and Amy was fun, though we all had very little sleep. We picked up and left around two in the morning, stopping into Wally- World (or was it K-Mart?) to pick up some munchies for the ride. The roads were bare, which we didn't mind.
We finally made it to our destination around ten in the morning and then went for a walk on Capitol Hill. I think after the walk I passed out on someone's couch for the better part of an hour and then we all picked up and were treated to a posh lunch--it sure as hell beat Bo-Bo Town's Denny's (Amy's fault).
The three of us were then treated to a very nice hotel room that overlooked the Pentagon and the great monuments of the city.
At 6 o'clock we were picked up and taken to Fairfax, VA to the Patriot Center. Amy and I went on a short mission to find the pre-party; we were just in time. I saw some of the people who were at the various parties back in NYC and got one of them to buy me a cranberry juice and vodka. It was the only one I needed--I was tipsy for the better half of two hours. Bartenders who put two shots of liquor in a mixed drink should be deified. The bloke who put the pre-party together was an extremely handsome one named Derek. *swoon*
The concert was fantastic; the venue was rocked up by the Stereophonics who praised Bowie before the set change.
© Caroline Hardison
© Caroline Hardison
Amy and I were in the second row and the wankers in front would have been better suited to be at a Celine Dione concert. When Bowie is on stage, you praise ... you don't read a bloody book or write down the fucking set-list. Those bastards should have let bigger fans have their seats ... such as me.
Earl Slick © Caroline Hardison
Bowie © Caroline Hardison
Bowie © Caroline Hardison
"Ziggy played guitar...." © Caroline Hardison (the photo, not the lyrics)
The concert was over by midnight and I left with five Bowie pins and two long-sleeved shirts (drunk people at concerts who drop twenty-dollar bills on the floor without realising it are most welcome in my society).
Back at the hotel Amy and I ran around while Ahart slept. We went to the dining hall, which was closed. We went into a kitchen, which was closed. We went into the internet room, which was closed .... we tried to get into the pool (closed) but didn't have much luck with that. It also took us several elevator trips to various floors to find a drink machine that would actually take dollar bills.
Amy fell out soon after we got back to the hotel room so I read my book until she started freaking me out by talking in her sleep. Eight hours later, we were up, showering, packing and then... we went to a doughnut place. Ahart ate about ten doughnuts, which is quite impressive for a bean-pole of a man.
Home at seven.
My schedule gets more full by the day:
I leave for NJ on the 4th and return on the 6th;
I made plans with three different people for the 20th; a little re-scheduling shouldn't be too difficult. On the 18th I'm hanging out with Eddy and on (or around) the 20th, Amy and I are taking another road trip to D.C. where we'll catch Franz Ferdinand at a club with the gorgeous Derek. I have no idea when we'll be coming back.