[{{Banner Maker's Announcement}}] Dear mod neke and members, I hope you don't get too disappointed but I'm going to retire from banner making for this community. I'm going to spend more time doing stuff for my own icontests & maybe actually making icons so that leaves less time for banner-making. Hopefully, somebody else will volunteer to take over - it's not totally un-fun - you get to play with fonts and textures. And who doesn't like fonts & textures?
If anyone wants to make their own banners or make banners for this community here is an .xcf (GIMP) document. Download here. It includes all text layers for placements from First Place to Best Crop. It also has a few textures you can play with for practice. It looks like this:
Before you open it you'll need to download the Bebas Neue font which is free from Dharmatype.
Otherwise, members in the communities listed will make you nice banners at your request.