Sep 26, 2008 21:03

body parts

Your challenge consists on submit up to 2 icons in which the main focus has to be a body part

>> You can submit up to 2 icons per contestant.
>> You can make the icons of any fandom, tv show, actors, stock, etc, that adjust to the theme of the challenge.
>> Post your icon and the icon url in a new post to the community and tag your entry with your username.
>> Your icons must conform to LJ standards (100x100, 40 KB). Premade work is not allowed.
>> Deadline for this challenge is: Friday, 3rd October, 21.00 GMT+1 more or less.
>> All effects are allowed, except animations.

ps: if you could pimp us [createandshine] I will thank you forever! ♥
ps2: you can suggest me things / here / in the suggestion box ;)


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