(no subject)

Mar 28, 2004 19:31

-Yesterday me and ben skated. It was fun, i tought this like 5th grade how to ollie, that was alright, it was a fun day, learned a new trick. Ben broke his kingpin so we called it a day. Then Claire came over. That was fun. We hung out in my room for a while and talked a lot. Then ben put on the song Karma Chameleon, and i was dancing around and showing off my HOTT stripper moves, and they got scared and ran away. I chased them all around the house and even outside. Then me and claire could not find bennigans. Eventually we found him though he was hiding in the garage. Then we went outside and swang on my swingset, that was fun. We talked alot and had the hugest slices of pizza ever. Then me and ben walked claire home. And me and ben humped her a lot and she got pissed. Then me and ben told here that we got drunk and fucked the ass tree in my front yard. She is so guilable, its fun. We talked about nipples, but i cant remembe rwhen we did that. I stayed up till 4 listening to led zeppelin and the who.


I called ben around 2 to see if he wanted to skate. He did so i went to his house, that was cool. We skated his box a lot, i did a bunch of new tricks. Then me and ben went and skated this shady ass quarter pipes. they were jenk as hell. Then we skated this little bump in the side walk, that was fun. Then we decided to walk up to omalias and get a soda. We saw these three 8th graders skating this shitty little gap. So i decided to go talk to them. One of them was pretty cool, he was a lot tallar than me and ben and he was only 14, it pissed me off. But he was still much cooler than the other kids. Then me and ben went back to his house and we talked about how he hates old people, and how old people are bitchs to him. Then we were sitting on this bench, and this old fat dude rode a bike by us. Now normally i wouldt mind this, but the dude was swetting so hard, and he was bald and fat, and to top it all of the bike was a little girls bike. It was half to big for him and there were purple tassels on the bike. He looked like some fucked up guy that gets off on stealing little girls bikes. DEfinatly strange. Then i came home and Lexa's brother donald was here, him and my brother going to see a movie. Well i got lots of german and chemistry home work to do so i will see you later.
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