Mar 24, 2004 18:27
I woke up this morning at 7 o clock LATE
i got dressed as quickly as possible then ran downstairs and almost missed the bus! EEEE GAD. Then while riding the bus i realised that i forgot to pick up the Pink Lemonade that i was supposed to give alex =( . So anyways i got to school and just basically drifted through the day, i felt like i was on drugs. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird. anyways i came home and me ben and MIKE were going to go skate at the church, but i guess mike was a douche bag like usual and did something else, then i asked my mom if she would take me to bens house so we could jsut skate to the church, and she flipped out and started crying and stuff and was yelling at me about how she was still getting insurance shit from 2 years ago when i fucked my face up skating. It sucked, so then she said ben could come here and we could skate around here if we wanted, but ben couldnt get a ride here, so then my mom was still kinda cool and said we could pick him up, but for some reason ben had to stay around his house, it sucked major horsecock. Anyways so then i just read some www.maddox.xmission.xom (if you have NEVER HEARD OF THIS SITE GO THERE NOW, this site has changed my life.) I had hamburger helper for dinner, it was hott. I think im gonna go skate before it gets dark out.