girl, you're amazing

Dec 19, 2011 14:47

And Yuuko is at it again!:
... except that this time, Tego was dressed in a pink cheerleader's uniform, complete with a blonde high ponytail and knee high socks.
- Tegomasu fan report

I really want to see a picture of this!! *____________* Even more so because "the skirt was too short" and "he looked amazing." Behold the power of Yuuko! XD
Even Massu couldn't be immune:
So Massu lifted [Tego]'s skirt

BUT! Yuuko wasn't so innocent:
Actually, Tego offered his bum to Massu.

asfhlljfsdfghjklasdfghjkl;lkjhgddsakhfsfh! This whole concert has been full of Tegomasu Ai! Hugging, leaning close to each other, kissing. I can't even!! I hope there's a DVD release, cause I need to see these moments, for real! :) ♥

this is the part where I wish I had a Yuuko icon ._____.

tegomass is love, now i want some tegoxmassu loving, yuuko pwns all

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