Because everybody and their best friend has written about the
HARRY POTTER COVER, I will, too! XD (Click
here for the full picture. You can also see the UK versions on the site.)
I love it. I think I expected purple or white, but the bright orange is nice too. More importantly, probably very significant. (Orange = sunset? The eve and fall? The Weasleys? 8D) I actually love the curtains because they signify an end to the story, right? The curtains are closing on this amazing ride. Wow. I wonder how J.K. Rowling will feel?
When I first read about the curtains, my first thought went to Sirius. ;O; Well... Technically, Harry seems to be standing in the middle of something round. Like a coliseum. The shadows around him could be the people within the curtain, so would it be too far out there to say, this MIGHT be the same place? Where Sirius...?
Harry looks MUCH better here than he does on the previous covers. XD Is it just me, or is it kinda hard to see his scar? It looks like it's there, but it also looks like that's just his hair. *mysterious music*
I'm still having trouble deciding where to pre-order. Or if I should even pre-order. *dies* Of course I should. But I've always gotten mine just fine from Costco. ^^; But this year I'd LOVE to go to the B&N Midnight Party...