Sep 13, 2004 22:14
I hate not updating this thing, and seeing as I don’t have too much to write about (except work and Heather coming home this weekend), I've decided to write about something different for a change. I was thinking the other day while listening to the radio that I herd a LOT of shitty music over the summer that I hate so much that I wish horrible horrible things upon the artists that made them. And yes, I do feel the need to get this out of my system and let all my journal readers know how I truly feel. While there is a lot of shitty music out there that I have herd, I narrowed them down into 10 artists that I hate the most. Keep in mind that they were all very close, in my opinion, in absolute shittyness. So here they are, the top 10 WORST artists I've ever herd and songs from them you all know:
#10 - Puddle of Mudd:
I first saw Puddle of Mudd 3 years ago at a Godsmack concert, and I remember saying to myself "Wow, this band really sucks a lot of ass." Well sure enough, they made thier way onto the radio. This band sucked before they were big, and they still suck now that they are. Seeing as the singers most famous line in any of those songs is "I love the way you smack my ass" (most likely refering to the base player cause as far as I'm concerned, their music is so fucking gay that I can't imagine that they aren't themselves), I can't say this band has much talent in either it's music or ability to write lyrics. I think they should change their name to Puddle of Shit cause their music is nothing but crap...BRING OUT THE POOPER SCOOPER!!!
#9 - The Dismemberment Plan:
"YOOOOOOUUUUU ARRRRRRREEEE INVITED, TO EVEEEEERRRRRYYYTHIIIING" The words of this chorus in the song (titled after the lyrics you just read) echo through my mind and make me remember the 1st time I ever herd this song and was cruelly reminded of how they will let just about anyone have a record deal and record an album, even if you have the talent of a 5 year old playing a kazoo. The whole song I could not figure out what the fuck the singer was talking about. Part of it was something about a neighbor crying cause he didn't go to a party or some shit and the singer had to sing how he was invited to everything. Other than that I have no clue, nor do I care. This band sucks. The singer's voice reminded me of my history teacher from sophomore/junior year of highschool. He was a nice guy and a good teacher but had the personality of a lampshade and a voice that was so boring that it would put you to sleep. Yes, members of Dismemberment Plan, you too are invited...invited to STOP making music and go pump gas or flip burgers or something. Cause considering your music, you would all be much better off doing something else for a living.
#8 - 50 Cent:
If he could use proper English, his correct name would be 50 CENTS, but I guess that's just rappers and their ebonics for you. Anyway, this tattooed gorilla (which is exactly what he looks like) has a voice that reminds me of one of those automated machine voices that talks to you when you call to get the balance of your cell phone bill or credit card. The total lack of personality or creativity in his songs and the lyrics that they are composed of, totally baffles me as to how and where they found this untalented and pathetic excuse for a rapper. Aside from his music sucking ass, he has this image that he's this big tough thug and gangster. But he must not be tough though, cause from what I hear he very frequently wears a bullet proof vest because he survived being shot 9 times or something like that. But seeing as his music sucks, I can see why someone would want to punch a few holes in his sorry ass just to shut him up. So I guess I understand why he wears it, but then again, I have a much better idea as to how he can protect himself: STOP RAPPING CAUSE YOU SUCK! 50 Cent, what the hell kind of name is that anyway??? It's probably about the price his album should sell, wait, that’s WAY overpriced.
#7 - Big Pun:
A.K.A. big fat ass who can't rap to save his life. This guy never was any good, and probably never will be. His music is as bad as he is fat. I'm also still trying to decide whether this guy is black, white or something else. While listening to his new radio single, I couldn't help think to myself "What the hell is this guy talking about?" I don't know what the rock away is, and nor do I care. Then he raps something about his pants (which are probably large enough to be used as a parachute), and then a bunch of other bullshit that involves "leaning back", which is something we all know his size makes it impossible for him to do without falling over. Two words Pun "ATKINS DIET" and here's two better ones "NEW CAREER". Seriously, this guy would have a much more successful lifestyle doing advertisements for Subway that promote how much weight he lost from eating their food, ya know, like that other guy did. The end of that song he says "Big Pun forever", dear God, I hope that doesn't happen.
#6 - Christina Milian:
Who the hell is this chick? Seriously, where did she come from and who the hell thought her talented enough to have a record deal? Her voice reminds me of a midget trying to talk after taking a swift kick to the balls. Her new single (hopefully the only one she will ever have) is just 95% chorus that says something like "Dip it low, pick it up slow, roll it all around like cookie dough" or something along those lines. I mean, listen to it, she says the same freakin thing the whole song! ANYONE with a bad singing voice can do that! And what other shit she says in that song, I sure as hell can't make out. Her extremely irritating voice makes it impossible. Not to mention that the music in the song makes me think of a bunch of little Chinese people dancing around and having a party. Now some guys will tell me something like "But dude, she's HOT!". Well, personally, I don't think that she's anything great. But then again, it's kind of hard for me to fairly judge her appearance when the only thing I can think about is taking a long, hard baseball bat and beating her over the head with it.
#5 - Jessica and Ashlee Simpson:
What do you get when you take the talent of a singing hyena, the annoyance level of a whiny 4 year old child, and the intelligence of a honey dew? The answer is simple, you get Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. First off, we have Jessica, who just flat out can't sing or write songs. Aside from that fact she's a complete idiot (I can't believe the dumb bitch thought the tuna fish brand "Chicken of the Sea" was chicken), and is married to that singer Nick (whom we can all remember from that washed up band 98 Degrees) who's like 8 years older than her. Then she went so far as to make their marriage a TV show and reveal to the world just how much of a dumbass she is. Someone please, do what she asks in that one song of her's and take her breath away...take it away so we can end the torture that is her music and TV show. Then there’s the just as dumb younger sister, whom also has her own TV show, which also sucks just as bad. She claims she isn't like her older sister, yet they are both jackasses, both untalented, and both annoying to listen to. I would say they are very much alike. Yes Ashlee, pieces of you, something I would love to scoop up and throw into a trash bag after chucking a hand grenade at you and sending you strait to Hell.
#4 - Kevin Lyttle:
I can't help but cringe when I think of his song "Turn Me On". His voice reminds me of someone who had a sex change that went terribly wrong. Here is another song that it totally repetitive throughout the whole thing. On top of that, he does that Jamaican rap shit. Ya know, those songs where the Jamaican people are singing in the background and you have no clue what the fuck they are saying. His voice is the most irritating thing I have ever herd in my entire life and the lyrics to this song are repetitive and corny. The whole song consists of jamming at a party, turn me on, caress my body, and hug me hug me kiss me kiss me. Ugh, whenever I hear this song it makes me want to destroy whatever audio device is playing it. And even more, it makes me wonder how anyone can actually enjoy it and listen to this guys voice without getting a migraine. I'm getting one just THINKING about this song.
#3 - Justin Timberlake:
I hated this little fairy faggot ever since he was in that shitty boy band known as N'Stink. King of the fairies should be his artist name. He's every man's natural enemy, and I can't think of any strait guy out there that would disagree with me. I remember once seeing him in a music video where he was standing under a waterfall and singing, and couldn't help but hope the water would come rushing down and drown his sorry ass. Just seeing this guy on MTV or in magazines makes me want to find him, rip his face off, and wipe my ass with it. He's a shitty artist and singer and the only reason that he has any fame at all is because so many girls think he's hot. Other than that he's nothing. He's a perfect example of how you can have no talent at all and still make it big in the music business with just your looks.
#2 - Usher:
If Justin Timberlake wasn't bad enough, we have Usher. Like Justin, I have hated Usher since day 1. Besides the fact that he has the face of a Martian from outer space, all his fucking songs are the same. He either broke up with his girlfriend, wants to break up with his girlfriend, or is trying to get with some other girl. On top of that, he's another "artist" that can't sing worth shit. I had to laugh about how he got all pissed that Justin got to sing with Janet Jackson during the Superbowl and not him. Cry about it. No, Justin didn't do much better and did ruin the half time show, but you wouldn't have been much better. But hey, if they hate each other so much, then I say, why not let them just gut each other with rusty razors? I would have a great time watching that. Yes Usher, these are MY confessions: I hate you and I hope you die of a horrible disease such as ebola and when your dead and gone that no one remembers you.
#1 - Pitbull:
If anyone has listened to the radio and herd a rap song that’s half in Spanish, then you have herd "Culo" by a very shitty "artist" who calls himself Pitbull. This name, however, is appropriate seeing as he does, in fact, look like one. I remember listening to this song for the first time and thinking to myself "What the fuck is he saying?". Fucking Spanish rapping. Dammit, this is America asshole. Who the hell let you cross the border? No, your not cool cause your rapping in Spanish. Your just not cool, period. Your music sucks and so do you. What can we expect next from this guy, a rap remix of the Macarena? But as far as his music goes, its rap. Same shit, different language. Go jump in a tire and float your ass back to Cuba.
Well, there you have it. The 10 artists I hate the most, well, for now anyway. I'm sure there will be more in the near future. Until then, it's been fun. Oh, and if you disagree with me on any of this, please don't waste my time by posting shit in the comments section, because I really don't care. Later! :)