I got cheated

Jan 09, 2011 21:28

 I went to Simling Square today at Bugis and I happen to see this super cool thing known as the speaker + recorder!~

It wrote on the package that it suits all IPOD so I bought it. It cost $25 kay?
I wanted to test it out first before I buy coz I scared later my ipod touch cannot be use. But the person selling it insist that I pay first before trying...

And guess what? After I paid for it and test the thing out, I realise it cannot be use for IPOD TOUCH!~~~~~~ THE PERSON CHEATED MY MONEY@!~~~

The worst thing is that he don't even want to refund my money!~~ He wants me to choose other stuff when the others are like $70+~~
Then, he pushes all the blame to the supplier and ask me to call them myself!~~ What kind of stupid attitude is that? GOSH

I was fuming like a volcano erupting on the spot. I wanna kill him lor....
But in the end, we didn't manage to fight against them, so I brought back something useless where I have no need for it >< ><

Cry~~~ my christmas money leh..... SOB SOB
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