Notes to self...
Did a cartoon KAT-TUN mini-marathon last year and started to write some notes about it, but kinda forgot, and was not on LJ yet so...I didn't want this to go trashland so I'm posting this, just as a reminder.
Disabled comments, as it's a pretty useless post.
# 14
I can't stop laughing, looks like they get on better the 6 together and they laugh more
it's always a pleasure to watch these 6 dorks teasing each other
they all look better, healthier, and more kakkoi as ever!
ueda is definitely my fave in the show, because it's like he opened himself more and also he showed a new side of his to us, the fans.
poor him, always having his appearance misunderstood because mysterious. ahah, he seems to have changed a lot thus his phrase "I realised this through this show, you think I should change my character?" I was soo laughing my *** off there! watching all the previous shows makes me think he really really opened himself more.
Happy with jinda interraction when at the beginning of the jumping thing, jin calls ueda "uepi"...woohoo ^^
# 15 MCU
junno's smiles and laughters were just too hot!!!! I couldn't stop screenshooting him ...
# 16 Matsushita Nao
Ueda and his explanation of why he's a liar..well it's always been a hot topic that ueda is a liar, like he's lying till the end...
I'm so happy that kame has gained some grams, I really like him better with 1 or 2 kilos more, whereas Jin and he's dieting...dieting for what? we all know japanese boys and specially johnnys ar shrimps! well some gained more muscles like yamapi but anyway
and poor but extremely cute junno with the russian roulette balloon, so funny!
# 17 Takashima Misako
Poor Junno! Maru and Kame pair up to plan for Koki's kick!
and Maru's usual 100Q intro, Jin looks like he's a bit fed up with it, well, can't blame him, it's always the same intro and we all know about it. Ok the guests may not but anyway Jin's "ok" was a bit..."well yeah go on with the show" hehe
# 20 Aikawa Shou
very hilarious...ahhh Koki and his kami! uwahaha!
# 21 Nishiyama Maki (aka Jin's girlfriend)
Funny when giving out flyers (Kame is so hoooot)