Oct 13, 2009 23:30
Hey peeps
- 23:46 @ hermiojin I know, this is just a bit depressing...ha ha ha anyway #
- 01:43 damn mosquitos lvea me ALONE! #
- 01:50 why do I keep missing them and not kill them! I need a radar! #
- 11:12 @ fortuneteller oh I hear you honey, I keep ranting about it.... #
- 13:28 twitpic.com/ld43t - MMS #
- 13:44 "Maru'll just get married without thinking much and then keep on getting divorced.
" Okura you meanie! Lol # - 15:32 Got scolded, me and a few others by boss's boss. Feels not good at all. And fuck the PMS #
- 17:38 Euh @melopeee T'as changé de nickname! #
- 18:34 @ elmopeee roh t'es chiant...On a l'habitude de l'autre #
- 18:41 @ elmopeee oué m'enfin... #
- 20:50 @ hermiojin if Kusano had a cold and we knew about it, he'd be in the NewSpaper! XP #
- 20:52 damn, yesterday I was coughing lots, today I'm sniffling and sneezing much more! Oh god the amounts of tissues...don't care for the workers #
- 20:53 @ sashjun you think so? You're crazy...ha ha ha it's just tons of computers in a empty and depressing room #
- 20:54 @ sashjun oh honey sister A, you posted the spy one and I hzven't read it yet...tomorrow I hope so though, my eyes are quite itching now... #
- 21:10 twitpic.com/lei0v #
- 21:21 @ hermiojin well both actually, at least we'd finally knew what he's been doing the past 3 years!!!!!! #
- 21:22 @ jocelestin euh, sans commentaires.... #
- 21:39 @ jocelestin the funniest here is that I took the picture while 2 of my collegues were out to fix something #
- 23:22 @ sashjun yes confy, probably better than my own plastic chair that keeps hurting my back every day... #
So long f-list ^_^