Because I want to post something, ANYTHING, before I soon go to bed, well after I posted a fic at the usual comm', I have to tell you how freaking scared I was tonight!
Okay there was an very big thunder along with strong wind and obviously heavy rain and to add to the fun, ice cubes sized hail, well hailstorm anyway, and I was so freaked cause it made a terrible noise on my windows I thought they would break! Of course Moko was hiding by the time he heard the first thunder...yeah very macho.
Anyway since he hasn't been out today, I wanted to let him out very late, like around midnight, but with the storm it was a no-no. Then I went downstairs with him just to show him about the weather and why he couldn't stay out (yeah I think my cat understands and I'm haveing really deep conversations with him) and of course the horrible weather came back. AT the sound of a new thunder along with lightnings he went into hiding in the little garden of the neighbours in front of my residence. That means, me+long windbreaker+wide umbrella waiting for an hour outside for him to come out again.
DUring the hour though I went to fetch for some cat food IN CASE I could lure him out, well only at the end of the hour, when it was calm again, a little, he came out when I was waving the food. I had to take him by the back neck and force him out. All wet!
I tell you, me and the adventures of my cat, I could write a book!...or not.
Three times in like two months he gets a shower! First was because I wanted to refresh him, then there was this parking thing, and now this!
Aren't you bored of my talking about Moko? Maa same price anyway..... was a picture my friend sent me, already 2 trees fell down in Paris....spooky!
On other interests, remember
galeries ad I was talking about? Well I was happy the other day cause there's a new movie, called "Bruno", no, not Brno Alex....and the ad is so cool! I mean in a feminist kind of way
Oh and on a healthier way, I ate a super good but expensive salad at work the other day; from a new shop, theones you can see pop up everywhere that's "in" the trend, a salad bar where you can add the toppins you want on your salad. I chose indian chicken with watermelon and some beetroot on a corn salad. 7,50 euros. Maa, health is cheap after all....
On a fandom note, well the Jrock one, I'm so happy! Finally the gal Gackt scans appeared!!!!!! Here on jrock scans
For those interested, I gave the personal LJ link where the scans are, not the comm' locked post, so please sure to thank and credit if you take/use them.
What more to say for now? Hmm nothing.......eyes are blurry and Moko is relaxing on his back. He's not traumatized by the thunder anymore and I'm prettu sure he'd like to go outside again since the storm has calmed down...
Okay peeps, I love y'all and miss you so much! Later then *chu y'all ヾ(o⌒(ェ)⌒o)アハハハハハ
Yeah I made a Moko tag! He needed one right?