It's past 2 in the morning, I'm tired and my eyes are somewhat blurry, I haven't twitted in 2 days but I don't think I have to tweet like EVERYDAY, specially if it's just about work. Besides, I have nothing to say interesting, but today, I feel I have to post something real, like LJ POST! Not a post made of tweets for a change!
Okay I don't have much time nor the patience and energy left to post much lately, blame my finally-incoming-worth-work, but tomorrow's my day off, so I'll take the chance to post something now...
So work has been fine till now, I started on the 4th, been two weeks already, I'm somehow proud of myself for keeping at it, I hope to stay there and fight for it. I need the cash after all. But only will I stop if my ears can't take it anymore, or my voice is too broken. Yeah talking every goddamn minute saying the same things over and over, and hurting my ears with highing up the colume of my headphones make me think this job is not the best; of course we already know working in a call center can be depressing, but I'll try and do my best to fight.
SO basically I'm just a tele-operator, stores call me to assure the checks they receive from customers will be refunded in case the client's bank account is not provided with money. DO I make sense? I'm too tired and lazy to check for the right words on my very best new friend "Word Reference" XD
I have like 34 hours maximum of work a week, some day I work 8 hours, some only 5. And it changes every week, I mean, my schedule. It's part-time after all, and it depends on the needed workers. My cat isn't happy with this new time table and I'm not happy about not being able to lurk on LJ as before. But, $$$ is the key right? Okay then.....Plus between calls I can read a manga or even text or msn, but msn and text is only when my supervisor does not look at me. Otherwise it's cool.
I hate the fact I look the way I am and because the young girl who trained with me is way younger than me, much thinner, and all the guys are like o_O "I have to flirt with her"! It's so shameful all the guys are into her. She's not that pretty and just because she's thin and tall and well, better-clothed (in style and à la mode), they're all into her. It's like animals in cage with a "diva" there. And if she wasn't into flirting too, I would say she's okay talking too. But she has a boyfriend already. Okay, that's just the trend anyway, and she's apparently a flirty girl anyway. Okay why do I talk about her? Yeah because I'm jealous, I'm not afraid to say it. I was always the black sheep even at school. But this is work, I should not care about it. Just ranted a little, it's blogging here so I have the right. And it's my LJ. Period. Lulz.
What else?...I became a coffee addict, or at least a coffee-machine addict. Hey it's only 30 cents!
Oh yeah today I went to eat chinese with 2 friends, near my home. On our way back we passed by a cafe and there was a fight in. We heard someone screaming but when a woman went out and asked us to call the police, we finally noticed something else : a guy shouting at some other guy who was covered in blood. Okay that was my first time seeing this amount of blood. It was a bit from afar but still impressive. I'm kinda wary now of coming back home around 10:30pm when I'll be working till 10pm. Hope I won't fall into fights or strange guys. I'm easily scared about them.
Anyway on a fandom-like note, I was stunned reading
this about Ryutaro from HSJ. I hope he's okay. But I was imagining him, only aged 14, asking someone aged 17 to stop his behavior. He's so adult-like! It's so strange though, one guy following someone famous like this. I followed some stars before, when I was way younger XP, BOYZONE and WESTLIFE mostly........but I didn't try to steal something or approch or scare. Besides, there were body guards, it was merely fan-stalking. And we were girls, stalking guys. Okay it can be scary for the celebrities, but I think it was okay, somehow XD
I'm wishing in my head a happy birthday to both Nino and Kazapon too. Seems I missed their birthdays. Thanx
mklia for reminding me!
On another fandom note, I saw this
wallpaper a few days ago, by
silvertwinster , okay am I the only one screaming at the picture cause Ueda has a pendant from Gackt's jewelry brand?!!!!!!! It IS one I'm positive about that! I'm so happy and smiling at this!
I'm still super SUPA late reading fics, I only have a day off in the week + the sunday, but these days are for resting and doing the suff I can't do the rest of the week, like grocery shopping or sleeping.......
I still haven't watched cartoon KT from 61 to now, (people who read me know about the +300giga problems) but today I watched the one newshfan subbed, with the bungee jump. Finally I was able to see how cute Ueda was flying and looping in the air, and I was laughin my ass off at Bakamaru's antics and expressions when he finally jumped the 20 meters. So funny! The best part, as a totally biased Ueda-fan, is when He imitated Nakamaru's movements and Koki did the same. Tat-chan shaked his butt a little and he was cutely dancing. Well, we know he's always cute right? It was some serious KoDa squint but I won't make anything out of it. It was nothing after all. Just a cute gesture from both.
Nothing more to say for now. I miss going to Japantown though. Okay off to sleep now. I'm beat.
Love you f-list. Take care till next time. Miss you very dearly, all of you.
Sebis, please don't get depressed.
Gaillen, I love you, you know that, I miss you.
Sash, yes I'm making $$$ !!! Promise!
Ryunuka, sorry I don't read much these days!
Wiwi, continue your spams and "useless" entries, I love reading them in between days when I can't spend too much time on the net!
K. aka triela (or is it triela aka K (?_?).........go SLEEP!!!
Callie, I read your personal entries, keep them coming okay?
Cel, are you stressing already? AH not! A few months left till the big day right? All my fight-oh for you!
Nat!!!! POulette tu peux me spammer ici aussiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wah mal aux yeux nan?)
floppy = bon on se voit quand? Rrra fait ch*er now je bosse! Et ta fic elle en est ouuuuuuuu???
quinnsann= I rarely comment on your posts but please, fight! Bite people's head offs and try and get better with your dad. And for the money, I can't say anything but hang on there!
and tessh, make money! go back to your other work!!!!!!
Sorry for the long happens not much these days, so I'll just *bow* for now.
Lol, one hour and 20 minutes to make that post...*sweats*