Jul 14, 2009 21:23
freeeedooommmmmmm I QUIT I QUIT I QUIT mothaaaa fuckerssss i quit! hooooooooorayyyyyyyyyyy im very proud of myself. i stuck with what i said i'd do if anyone ever disrespected me or my coworkers i said to my boss months ago i'd probably get fired because of how i'd handle the situation. well a lot of shit hasbeen building up and i was going to quit anyway this thursday but then today this complete asshole just totally crossed the line and i fucking lost it and yelled at the dick and told him i refused to help him and i stuck up for my coworker and everyone was on my side even dr margolin because this guy was such a pig yelling at me and my coworker that we were idiots and worthless well i fucking yelled at that dick and walked away and typed up my letter and put it on my boss;s desk and im very happy. and do u know what he did? he gave the guy a free bag of cat food to make him happy instead of sticking up for his employees because that is how much ass he likes to suck and how much he doesnt care about his employees. he is s fucking disgusting piece of shit and i am done with that place freeeedoooom!!!!!!!!!