So...what exactly are you, again?
I-I'm a Digimon, Ryou! And I'm very excited to meet you, finally!
Y-yes, well, er...
Puttimon! Right! Puttimon...I don't suppose you can tell me where we are?
We're in the Digital World! It's my home!
...I see...
What is it, Puttimon? [he sounds more confused by the name than the outburst]
Thank you
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Well, I'm not sure what the name is, but there are an awful lot of, er, Digimon about the size of Puttimon. Very...small.
But it sounds like you're in Primary Village already. That's kind of where we've been collecting people.
Alright, thank you very much, er...what's your name?
My name's Ichijouji Ken...but just Ken is fine. My Digimon is Wormmon.
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