Jun 13, 2004 18:06

So, I found this quite amusing. It seems that even though I haven't updated my journal in a very long time, I have still managed to be "un-friended" by a former classmate of mine on lj.

Although, I do not update my journal, I do read some of my friend's ljs. Thus, a few days ago I read a friend's entry in which she express her dislike at the fact that UC Berkeley's campus is liberal (she is going to be a freshman there next year). She felt as though they were pressuring her to be super-liberal also. She proceed to describe how she was put off and offended by a liberal sign, on Berkeley's campus, that said "drop Bush, not bombs". She said she wanted to make a sign that said "drop bombs, not bush" and put it up.
Now, as a upcoming Berkeley freshman myself, I was a bit perplexed by this person's entry. I dont think one sign that expresses someones desire to not re-elect Bush in the next election, is somehow "pressuring" one into being super ultra liberal. Thus, I proceed to leave her with a comment that looked something like this:

I am not quite sure why you were so suprised by the "drop bush, not bombs" sign on berkeley's campus. Berkeley has always been know to be a liberal campus, so I dont believe that sign is out of place at all. Moreover, I dont think "dropping Bush" is just a Berkeley thing, I think its a CALIFORNIA thing. California didnt vote for Bush in the last election and I highly doubt it will in this election. I dont mean to be mean, but I just dont understand why you were confused by that sign being at Berkeley

I signed onto lj the next day or so to check if she had replied, but I could not access the entry because she had "de-friended" me. Honey, if that is the way you are going to deal with me for one small comment on lj, good luck at berkeley next year. Ehh..better yet, Good Luck putting up that "drop bombs, not bush" sign up. :)
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