Title: Attention
Pairing: Ravi/Hongbin
Rating: PG-13
2. Attention
As one of the guys who get no attention at school like Wonshik, it was a miracle for two girls to confess to him at the same time. He was flattered of course, he finally can tell himself that he is actually attractive to some people.
But he doesn't want anyone but this one certain person, one who he will never be able to have. Not counting the fact that it's a guy, but it's a really dazzling person, he looks and acts like a prince. Wonshik doubts that he will be nice enough to actually pay attention to an ugly-duckling like him.
Wonshik wishes he can ignore everything about that guy: the people who like him, the one that he likes, why he doesn't smile as much,... But it's a hard thing to do. The prince has this mysterious charm that pulls him in no matter how hard he resists.
Being a friend is hard enough, but he really can't stand it when Hongbin ignores his words, or not reply to his messages. Wonshik can't think of anything else besides leaving Hongbin at the bottom of his heart and wishes the feelings will go away. He thinks he is such a pathetic teenager.
Although, things seem to come to an end when Hongbin decided to tell him personal things. Like how he got the scar on his back, how he used to drive without a license when he was 17, how he has a crush on this girl he sees on campus, how their relationship goes, how much he thinks he will never be able to leave her or make her cry.
Wonshik decided he would give up, and bury his feelings away.