Hello. I know i haven't been doing much updates so here's what has happened in my life...
x Brought the boy to the Biennale and am so glad I managed to go to all the venues
x Major re-arranging of schedules due to sch exams and upcoming hols
x Massive Mio overload to finish the 9pm series on TV
x Flipside at the Esplanade
x I visited the USS again..., and again... (to accompany friends)
x is excited for June hols. I'm heading to Phuket and BKK. CAN'T WAIT.
x koi bubble tea overload
x MASSIVE beauty products and make-up products SHOPPING
x Constantly surviving on lack of sleep
x is thinking of moving to Blogspot or Tumblr which is why i've been contemplating on updating
which is also a major fail cos I have no time to decide on one. (i have to go through the whole pros and cons process) and then ultimately, I give up and just pen down a few words here. Really ultimate fail.
x June July August September October November December (7 more months!)
okay i just like counting down to the end of the year for particular reasons...