Mondays Suck

Aug 02, 2013 01:07

So on Monday one of the neighbors was pulling out from his parking spot at the building across from mine...according to him his brakes failed and he ran into my NEW CAR! And he had been late to pay his insurance and policy lapsed 10 days earlier. Luckily I had full coverage which covers me for uninsured drivers and my car is at the collision center now and I've been put in a rental until the car is fixed. I've been stressed and upset and angry and trying not to be a b*tch about it. I actually cried at work when I finally got his insurance company on the phone and they told me he wasn't covered until I talked to my insurance co and found I had the uninsured motorist coverage. I LOVE PROGRESIVE INSURANCE!! Seriously they have been the best I've ever worked with in all my time driving and I'll never switch.

I feel like I've barely had this car and already it's value has been decreased by this. This never happened with either of my old uglier cars :( Now the waiting game. The body damage was bad enough that it jammed up drivers door so when I went to drive it to the collision place I had to go in via the passenger door and crawl over the center console...bleh....

rant, irl

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