I am truly insane

Dec 01, 2010 20:01

I'm thinking about doing something really really stupid.
It's stupid as in I can/yet can't afford to do it but my hearts screaming at me to do it.

Basically, a bunch of my English friends are going to Los Angeles next Feb for Gallifrey 22 and I want to see them.
Now, it's looking near impossible that my plan to go back to England in September 2011 is going to happen, and it's absolutely breaking me... so I got thinking and researching and my crazy plan (that I shouldn't even be thinking about) is this:

Fly to LA for the con on Feb 17th, then fly from there to London, spend two weeks in the UK travelling and visiting friends then fly back home mid March.
Sounds sane enough, but the things that my head is telling me (over the screaming feeling in my heart) are:

1. I'm still in debt to a few people and those people probably will get the major shits at me if I spend $2000+ instead of paying them back (ie: parents)
2. I still don't have a job, meaning all the money I'll have access to will be just under $3000 between now and Feb.... but if I get a temp job for January it'll be better (ie: I can still continue to pay people off and still go) plus since I'm only going for a few weeks, I can still receive my centerlink money without cancelling it meaning I can use that money, for the UK.

It is do-able, which is what is killing me the most. I COULD do this, but I know I shouldn't.

Help? :C

I've finally added an early mid-life crisis tag, because this is honestly what it feels like.
Oh and I'm 27 in seven days time. ;_;

the money issue, emo post is emo, drama-llama, early mid-life crisis, australia sucks, real life, missing the uk

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