30 Days of Doctor Who: Day Twenty One

Aug 01, 2010 01:04

Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP

Again, hardly a surprise.
Yes, it's the Doctor and the Master. :3
(Whom are in my top 3 of my fandom ships list, which also weirdly John Simm features in another ship as another character XD)

My ultimate OTP of the show and I feel, the longest running relationship on the show.
It's twisted, it's interesting, it's not easy, it's complicated, it's certainly not fluffy or overtly romantic but it's there, always there... for as long as they both live.

It's one of the only things I love RTD for, for making this pairing canon (more a less) in End of Time.
But I have been shipping them before then, ever since I first saw The Sound of Drums.
And not to mention David Tennant and John Simm are two very pretty men, so I can't help myself (I still ship Doctor/Master in any incarnation of course, but my prefered for the smutty stuff would be Ten/Simm!Master all the way)

And I have now decided that Benedict Cumberbatch (who plays Sherlock Holmes in Moffat's new 'Sherlock' series) simply has to be Matt Smith's Master. They both look odd, and I think they would be amasing together (acting wise... no funny throughts) He's my dream Master for Eleven.

See!!! It's going to happen I can feel it!
And now I'm rambling... you get the point.

people:john simm, people:benedict cumberbatch, people:david tennant, people:matt smith, memes:30 days of doctor who, slash is fucking fantastic, doctor/master, fandom:doctor who

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