DC - The Capital - 4th of July
one of the great little stories about this day and getting up to the capital.
security was tight and everyone was very friendly despite the heat. though it wasn't crazy hot, it was still quite warm, at least the lower 90's. luckily we had our backpacks and plenty of water.
Going through security was funny cause I was carrying our dinners, MRE's. Basically it's military food, Meal Ready to Eat. So good! EC bought about 12 or more of them and we have been chomping on them for months now. Camping, kayaking, geocashing, you name it, we've had an MRE there lol
So going through security was a blast cause they looked through your bags and when the security saw the MRE's he was like "hey, you got the MRE's! Alright! I hope you got the heater too!" I was like "you know it!" then the guy behind us was like "Damn right! MRE's rock!" DC! So patriotic! lol
So we went through security to get up to the capital and walked around it and got some great shots! It was really a sight, standing on the steps many of presidents, politicians and the regular joe stand upon. Even the lady scrubbing the toilet seats in harlem to the street sweaper outside of the FBI building has been on the steps (so i guess lol)...so much history.
After spending some time there, we walked out of the area and then went to one of the senate bldgs where my friend "Mr. C" works and chilled for about an hour. Sipping on beer, coke and looking through some cool stuff. Then we went on a private tour of the senate buildings and checked out some cool stuff that isn't on tours! So cool! ... Then took pics of the senators offices, again, So cool!
Plus I got my NASA patches from the launches and flights!
ANNNDD! The coolest thing by far this week:
Mr. "C" who works for the senate was flown down on a top secret airforce presidential type of plane to Cape Canaveral for the space launch on Wednesday, cancelled but rescheduled, and had the full military honors when they arrived. He said it was like being the president! Security, the army salutting them...the whole works! I was like "THAT'S FREAKING SICK!"
I mean...that's just like WOW! KILLER!
Now I have to seriously frame my astronaunt patches!
Ah DC! See you next week and hopefully sooner than later again. What an experience.
*see you next week*