May 16, 2006 14:17
Well, this is only my second LJ post in May. I have been home since the night of Saturday, May 6. It's been fairly calm and boring around here, and I've been pretty lazy, at least in the AM almost every day. One thing that I have accomplished includes finishing all of the paper work to become a substitute teacher in Dickinson and Iron Counties. Part of that process was voluntarily getting finger printed for a total charge of $64 at the Dickinson County Sheriff's Dept. That was a pain in the ass, paying 64 bucks for a service that criminals get for free after they've committed a crime. Damn.
I'm still waiting for my MSU transcript to arrive so that I can finally get put on the substitute list, it's the last thing I need to turn in. I sent out an order for it 8 days ago, I wish I would have known that I needed to do it before I left East Lansing. I don't really have any major plans for today. I'll probably play some PS2, wash a load of clothes, and hook up my DVD player to my TV that I've set up in my living room. Peace.