Its that time of the semester again...

Feb 24, 2009 16:43

Its that time when I start figuring out who is going to fail. The students that frustrate me the most are those who are going to fail not because the class is just more advanced than their abilities, but who are going to fail because they refuse to read the text, to take notes, and to study. Students who are working really hard, I love to help. The students who are out and out lazy just frustrate me. I am repeatedly told that high schools spoon feed students learning so they are guaranteed to pass "the test." I assign the reading, lecture on the high points, and then test on everything, and I tell them this at the beginning. All assignments are on the syllabus I hand them the first day. They have access to every grading rubric I use. And they refuse to pass the class. I know that some students dont' care. I know that they are failing themselves, not me failing them. BUT ARGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG

I know I bitch about this every semester.

Well I do, I want students who are doing poorly to have at least tried. But no, I get a nice bell curve based almost totally on laziness.


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