A new tactic in combating prop. 8

Dec 18, 2008 06:42

Many people (especially people in the GLBTS community) were upset by the complete lack of GLBT images in the "No On 8" ads. To go with the campaign to repeal the measure, Get To Know Me First, is putting out 5 ads that show happy families headed by same-sex couples.

I wish the website had streaming version of the ads, but what they have is the text and photos of each ad. It has been shown time and again, people who know gay people vote to protect gay right. Following that logic, people who know/see gay families should vote to vote to help gay families.

I understand the No on 8 logic: Gays are still a hated group, so keep them out of the ads, make it about broader freedom.

It didn't work. I'm sure the HRC, and other No on 8 leading groups, are not happy with Get to Know Me First because they are attacking with a completely different tactic, they have an unsophisticated web site etc. BUT we tried it the other way, and we lost (not by as much as we did 10 or so years ago). BUT we lost.

The good news is, I don't think showing gay families will turn off anyone who voted no on 8 in the first place, and I do believe it will turn around some people. We don't have that many people to change.

I hope people donate to them so the ads can air. (I also really like that unlike the "No on 8" ads, these donations are tax deductible -- so those of your who read this who are looking for a few more deductions....). They also have a list of what your money buys. For example $55 buys 5 ads during The Closer on TNT in Yuma-El Centro DMA reaching 45,000 subscribers, and for the big spenders: $10000 will run 1 ad during Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on ABC in several counties reaching 2.4 million californians.

I can't afford to donate any more money to causes this month, but they will be getting my money next month.

marriage equality, glbts rights, politics, prop. 8

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