I hate to say it.....

Jul 15, 2008 13:28

After reading a news story, about Massachusetts repealing their law preventing their clerks from issuing marriage licenses to out of state gay couples, I think they are repealing the law for all the wrong reasons.

Considering the timing (as California -- a state with no residency restrictions for any of their marriage licenses -- begins issuing licenses), the cynical part of me thinks that the Massachusetts state legislature sees California making money on the gay rights movement and wants a piece of the pie.

Maybe it is some blue funk, but I really feel that Massachusetts has have years to correct the homophobia that existed in their laws (and many county clerks refused to follow that law made them treat same-sex couples differently than opposite-sex couples), and I think they are changing their laws to "compete" with California. in many ways, I would love to see them pass a resolution encouraging their neighboring states to achieve marriage equality -- Oh but wait, that would cut into the revenue stream they think they just created for themselves.

I guess I shouldn't be upset that rights are being safeguarded due to financial instead of altruistic motivations.

Or am I just being overly cynical?

marriage equality, glbt rights

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