Keeping up with the Joneses (or at least the husbands)

Jun 26, 2008 08:00

My husband has recently been trying to become a published author. (And the rejection letters are getting better.) In the spirit of competition (and because he told me to), I started work on my book yesterday. Over the weekend I outlined it, and yesterday I wrote the introduction and chapter one. jimkeller's books tend to have fascinating titles and intricate plots, my book will be titled something along the lines of A Method for Designing Stage Scenery.

Actually I'm very excited. I have had a handful of professors at other schools nag me to write a text book -- and as I attempted to find a text book to teach out of, I understand the nagging. There are really no books that cover a scenic design process for beginning level students. In my outlining, I simplified the process to six steps of prep work, and six elements of design.

The only scary thing about writing a design text is all the illustrations. I've written one chapter and have four major illustrations to do -- and I haven't gotten to step one of the prep work. Oh my Oh my Oh my.

Be warned that in several months, I may be wanting people with a basic knowledge of theatre who are willing to read an entry level design text.

PS, Now I get to post about being a tortured writer. Somehow I'm starting to think that the non-fiction folk have it easier as our books don't unexpectedly take left turns.

design, theatre, book

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