So...basically im in LA and its awesome....
yesterday our parents left and me,my cousin,Anna and James were playing cards and trying to get super drunk...
we did.....but afterwards our dog ran away.....
it was insane....we were driving,walking and running...
fuckin finally that little bitch ass dog came home and was super surprised why the fuck is everyone so happy and all over him..
later...we got super drunk again...and went to and James were sleeping in parents room and Liza and Anna were sleeping in Lizas room...
The results are:
1)i'm hungover as fuck...
2)my face,legs and hands are fuckin covered in blood cuzz i fell when i was running and trying to find the dog...(the dog is really old....he's deaf and blind)...
i really want to tell all of my friends in Moscow....
that i miss u hardcore and without u guys and its not the same...
i hope that we'll hang out and chill after i come back...
P.S- its fuckin 4.45 p.m.....and i'm gonna go watch a movie and then swim in the pool.....hope to party 2day!!!!e-e-e)))
P.P.S- i miss Ali!if u read it....just don't forget about me....