yeuh this is from jays xanga YOU KNOW

Jun 16, 2004 14:24

Nervous Habit: bitin/pickin my nails

Are you double jointed: no but my elbows ARE SO COOL! lol tory u kno wat im talkin about!!

Can you roll your tongue?: course!

Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: i can raise my workin on the left
Can you blow spit bubbles?: mhmm
Can you cross your eyes?: mhmm
Tattoos?: nada..but i kno sum1 who has one MWUHAHA ***tec! hehe

Piercings and where?: none ew i hate piercings

Do you make your bed daily?: depends if i wanna?

Which shoe goes on first?: i dont kno? i ges my right

Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: haha OH YES

On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: well since i like never spend money but always give money..yet am constantly having money given to me as well haha this sounds crazy but i usually always have about 190 195 bucks

What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my beach necklaces! 2 bad that shell one broke! but i still have my 2 others that i wear a lot!
Favorite Piece of Clothing?: hmm not shore! t-shirts!?

Pajamas: pajama pants with sum t-shirt

-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: haha no? i NEVER cut it..n sumtymes i twirl it but i kinda just put it on tha fork n then hope it all gets in..if not i just slurp it! YOU KNOW like lady in tha tramp!
Have you ever eaten Spam?: SICK NO!

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: galaxy shawty

How many cereals in your cabinet?: like 8?

What's your favorite beverage?: man i cant pick..but i rly like root beer!

What's your favorite restaurant?: PARADISE CAFE! haha yea? thats in nc

Do you cook?: yea but not latley im actually quite tha lil chef
How often do you brush your teeth?: er'yday!

How often do you shower/bathe?: like every other! i have to cuz i put so much gel n hurrspray in my hair!

How long does your shower: like half n hr!

Hair drying method: once i get out of the shower..i IMEDIATELY put my gel n hurr spray in..n then it just air dries..but if im straightenin it..umm wow u dont wanna read all the stuff i have to do wheew

Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yep just once tho but im gettin done again sumtyme in early july

Do you paint your nails?: not a lot but yea
Do you swear?: yes :-x
Do you ever spit?: no thats gross
Animal: doggies or monkeys! hehe

Food: piZZa fosho

Month: july or december?
Day: sat sats
Cartoon: hmmm man i useda luv this one show called THE WEEKENDERS man i dont kno where it went tho?

Shoe Brand: NBs course! haha i have like 5 of em!

Subject in school: LiT

Color: red!

Sport: sball

TV show: theres way too many
Best Looking Male Celebs: phil collins..hell yes haha ummm idk? ah yes ashton kutcher

Vacationing Spot: NC n FL

Thing to do in Spring: sball

Thing To Do In The Summer: beach

Thing To Do In Autumn: vball
Thing To Do In The Winter: drive around

Game: i have lots of favorites
The CD Player: idk it holds 3 discs? i havent looked in it foeva?
Person you talk most on the phone: umm idk a lot..jess cline, G, julez, or haha me n samBOs convos last FOREVER
Taken a cab?: haha yes once down in colorado, arizonia, new mexico, or utah? wherever i waz? yea it waz new mexico

Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: haha yepp
What color is your bedroom?: YELLOW WALLS haha ppl say my bedroom is SO me cuz its all HAPPY n im..all HAPPY haha yea n thers like lots of RED (fav color) umm lite green n a lil pink haha n then i have like white furniture lol n then for ppl who have seen my u shud kno MY SILVER STATION
Do you use an alarm clock?: sumtymes
Window seat or aisle?: short trips=window DUH but if its long trips prob tha asile so when u get up to go to tha bathroom u dont haveta knock into sum old mans legs..unless yer with yer fam? then window seat all the way baby
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position?: dude i sleep all diff..its moslty like curled up on one side tho haha!
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: haha yea i so do! i ALWAYS need a blanket! if its hot..i turn on my fan so its cold n then i use my blanket!
Do you snore?: lol yea sumtymes!
Do you sleepwalk?: haha yes i have SO many sleepwalk stories
Do you talk in your sleep?: lol YES i like have conversations! haha im like the entertainment at sleepovers cuz im always sayin tha craziest stuff
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: i useda sleep with my lil build a bear? wueva happened to him?
How about with the light on?: nope
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: TV!! but when i have a headache i either turn on 99.5..100.5..or 101.5...these .5s, so great?
Coke or Pepsi?: coke fore shore!

Oranges or apples?: apples!
One pillow or two?: 2!

Deaf or blind?: deaf!

Pools or hot tubs?: both!

Blondes or brunettes?: blondes!

Tall or short?: umm?

TV or radio?: umm if i HADA pick..then tv

Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic tacs!

Snooze button or jump out of bed?: JUMP OUTTA BED! lol its just tha typea person i am?

Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset! MWAUHAHA

Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: u need the cheese? oh fosho

Morning or night?: i like both but at night its just SO much more fun

Sports or news?: sports..the news depresses me
Indoors or outdoors?: both!
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: both!
Cake or ice cream?: DEFF i-cream i HATE cake they r so dry n disguisting

Spearmint or Peppermint?: p-mint
Bath or shower?: shoa' shoa'!

Book or Movie?: movie!

Green or Red apples?: hmm red

Rain or Snow?: snow!

Nike or Adidas?: umm clothing wise? adidas? idk!!

Took a shower?: last nite

Cried?: last night when i waz watchen uptown grlz! :-(
Read a book?: killer angels..yesterday..oh fosho
Punched someone?: umm a few weeks ago up at the pool! haha

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: wow im not sure

Who are you going to be married to?: sum awsum guy whos like all into sports n the outdoors

How many kids?: 3

occupation: teacher..n then a mother! ahh i cant wait im guna b one of those annoyin laddies in the SUVs with the big soccer ball n american flag on the back of my car with all the road rage! u with?

Car of Your Dreams?: idk sum sorta SUV cuz every other car is so hard for me to get into cuz my legs r so long!

umm yea how fun waz that? REAL fun.
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