(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 19:49


I have officially been in the black hole for a month.  Still no change.

On one hand, maybe its good I got sent here instead because Mt ReDoubt is about to blow up there in Alaska....about 100 miles from where I would have been located.....interesting turn of events.  I did find out from someone who knows someone who knows someone who works in DOL up there that they have been BEGGING for interns and cant get anyone up there.  W.T.F?   Well if you people had answered your damn phone or opened your email once in a while....you would have seen that you had one intern VERY anxious to go up there....so....you fail Fort Richardson....you fail.

As it turns out...3 people in the DOL up there were out for some reason or another for like 3 weeks so no one was answering their email.  Out of Office reply....DO YOU USE IT????

As for Missouri...its the same old tune.   Other than a Walmart and some smaller shops and fast food places...there is nothing to do here.  And if you're not a hunter/fisher....you're poop out of luck.  ho hum...    I did go shopping last weekend with the Maint Div ladies to DRESS BARN!  Apparently the secretary in the Maint Div shops there a LOT so she called ahead to let them know she would be bringing us to shop there.  Well they just brought out the red carpet for us!  They set up a table and had food set out!  Cheese and crackers and fruit and low calorie snacks, bottles of water, and candy.  They got our sizes and searched for clothes we wanted and brought them to us in the dressing room....all in all..a very nice day...plus they gave us 15% off.  I got me a new dress suit for $24!  cant beat that with a stick!

Right now I am fighting a sinus infection....the second one since I came here.  I never get sick and now I get this!  blargh.

Been learning a LOT here on post....meeting TONS of people.  2 guys I am working with right now have 50 years of army experience between them....both can practically quote Army Regs....and both hav been drilling me on everything.  Its embarrassing how much I have to learn....but at least its making me learn the stuff.  I'll be going back to Fort Lee and my other classmates will be jealous of all the material I will have from these 2 guys....they have been printing me up stuff left and right and making me a disc with everything on it I need to know about Logistics and Maintenance.  Its a shit-ton of stuff!

Also....my favorites list on my browser is now overrun with Army websites LOL    army publishing directorate, logistics information warehouse, ILAP, FEDLOG, DA PAM 25-30....etc...    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  I have a crapload of interface systems I need to be familiar with....SAMS 1E, SAMS IE, ULLS, ATAAPS, CLS.....too...many.....acronyms....  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

And I havent even gone to the Supply Division yet.....lordy!

so....no animu websites or fanclub forums for me.....I spend my nights reading Army Regulations....yeehaw!   Im such a nerd! Yay for nerds!

Tonight though.....i need to relax.
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