(no subject)

Jul 16, 2011 16:55

just wanted to post here to say that i'm happy.

david and theo and i have made a lovely, homey home for us and our cute kitters. david and i have been together about 8 years (depending on whose anniversary you are going by) and we love each other and commit more to each other everyday. our relationship, and us as individuals, have changed a lot in the last 8ish years and we've managed (or been lucky enough) to always be able to work together to come to an agreement until the next time something changes.

theo has made a lot of progress and has been the opposite of a burden. he helps me so much in a lot of ways. he encourages me to get up and get out of the house on a beautiful day. he takes out the trash and does the dishes. he always has a question that forces me to fully explain and examine something. he is healthy, happy, and discovering that those things are even possible for himself has changed his worldview. he thanks me a lot for helping him be "a new man."

we always have fun together. we go for long walks, the 3 of us, or out to eat or to a movie or sit around the house or whatever. sometimes theo is actively engaged in the conversation or actions, sometimes we all just marvel at how lost he gets in his own thoughts. david and i feel like we get enough alone time because theo likes to spend time by himself, or zones out so completely that it doesnt make a difference to him whats going on around him anyway, he just ignores us and comes back to our world occasionally to make sure he didnt miss anything. we were sitting at a restaurant one day and we were all bickering about something until we laughed and paused and david just said "i like our little family." and me and theo said "me too."

i am proud to work at a fantastic hospital for a wonderful organization that makes me feel fulfilled, and with fun supportive coworkers in a mostly nonstressful (or good stressful) environment.

i get paid well and make enough money to pay all my bills, save a lot, and still be able to go visit my faraway friends and go out to eat too often.

my parents delusions of moving to mass have finally been realized and they have abandoned all plans to come and purposely put an emotional burden on all of us.

i am able to have totally lazy days where i do nothing because i have almost no responsibilities to people that are not my little family. i have an extensive nail polish collection which i immensely enjoy.

i am so content in my life right now that i have almost abandoned any longterm plans that people my age seem to make. i still love planning but now we mostly plan things in fantasy terms. "one day, lets...." sort of planning. the only sort of plan i've been thinking in my head has been that shriners gets so goddamn slow that its completely unstimulating and uneducational, and starts paying comparatively badly the longer you work that, that i cannot stay there forever. in a couple of years i think i will move on. but thats "one day..." planning.

i am happy.
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